Frequently asked Questions
Q: How many properties will you have available?
A: We generally have 20 to 25 leases. Most groups choose to renew, so in years past, between adding new leases and those that come available by groups not renewing, we have put out between 8 and 12 early in the year and others as they become available throughout the year.
Q: When will you be sending out leases?
A: Leases are available for review on January 6, 2024. They are available for lease on January 13, 2024. As more come available, we will send them out throughout the year.
Q: I am already signed up for your emails. Will I still get to see available leases?
A: Yes, unless you choose to unsubscribe, you will receive emails with available leases and self-guided hunts as we send them to the general mailing list.
Q: Are the leases for all year?
A: Lease terms typically run on the calendar year, from the time you secure them to December 31.
Q: How much do leases cost?
A: It highly depends on the property. We do not price “per acre”. No two acres are created equal and every property is unique. We evaluate how many hunters a property can support, access, trophy potential, and try to assign a reasonable value to hunt that property for the duration of the term. For properties where we are helping a landowner by leasing it for them, sometimes they dictate what income they want to receive.
Q: Will I get first chance to renew next year?
A: Generally, YES. So long as the property is available the following year through us or the landowner, you have the first option to renew the following year.
Q: How do I secure and pay for the lease?
A: First come, first served. If this is the first time leasing with us, the only fair way to gauge who “gets it” is who pays for it in full through our website online.
We will send you a Hunting License Agreement to fill out and sign, we will return a copy with our signature.
If you renew for the following year, you can send a check before the expiration to save yourself and us on credit card fees.
Q: Do I need to provide my own Hunt Club Insurance?
A: Generally, No. All current properties are already insured through us with commercial hunting liability.